Need Cash?

Do you want to have an extra $100 to spend this Christmas?

Does the thought of $100 going straight to your Paypal account sounds cool?

Then you might want to try this new contest by

Here are some of the contest highlights:

  • The winner will get $ 100 USD direct into Paypal.
  • The next two runner ups will get a top level domain (must be available & within $10) of their choice.
  • Next two will get 1 month free 125 x 125 ad spot at LetsSermo & Blogsivy respectively.
  • The contest runs for 1 month i.e from 1 November to 1 December.
  • Winners will be announced on 1 December.
  • A leaderboard page would be developed where I’d [admin] keep a track of participants & their points.
  • You can participate in the contest at any time.
The whole contest works on a tickets system. You get tickets for performing various tasks mentioned in the site. The one who has the most number of tickets at the end of the contest wins.

for more details, go to

If you are the type of person who likes loves to join contests, then this wouldn't be difficult for you.

If you are the one who doubts these kinds of stuff, then i would still convince you to join. (haha!)

If you don't want your busy net life getting disturbed, then I'm sorry. But please do join!! (hahaha.)

Again, here's the link: (don't worry, there's no referrer id in there! haha. )
